Law, Theology & Culture Series
The Law, Theology & Culture seminar series brings into conversation researchers and students of the Faculty of Law and of the Centre for Theology and Religious Studies at Lund University. The series is curated by Serde Atalay, Hoda Hosseiny, Mariette Minnemann & Valentin Jeutner.
If you would like to be informed about forthcoming seminars, please request to be added to the e-mail list of the seminar series.
Thus far, we have organised the following seminars:
18. 22 May 2024: Matilda Arvidsson & Simon Larsson (Gothenburg): Fulfilling the Christian Mission Through Law: The Mission Covenant Church of Sweden as a Rule of Law Actor in Congo 1881–1908
17. 21 February 2024: Frans Willem Korsten (Leiden): Art as an Interface of Law and Justice: Affirmation, Disturbance, Disruption
16. 24 January 2024: Kevin Crow (Kuala Lumpur): The ‘Christian Subject’: Secret Societies and the Opium Trade in Siam and the Straits Settlements
15. 16 November 2023: Munther Isaac (Bethlehem): Religion: Agent of peace or source of Conflict? A Perspective from Bethlehem on the Israel-Hamas Conflict
14. 6 November 2023: Hege Markussen (Lund): Cultivating the Alevi minority: An embodied approach to the politics of compulsory religious education in Turkey
13. 24 May 2023: Andrew Teal (Oxford): The Power and the Glory Revised. Monarchy and Governance represented in British Coronation Oaths 1953 and 2023
12. 8 May 2023: Antje Jackelén, archbishop emerita of Sweden, Rabbi Moshe-David HaCohen of Malmö, Imam Salahuddin Barakat of Malmö, and Professor Vilhelm Persson (Lund), moderated by Valentin Jeutner: Should Swedish Law should prohibit the burning of scriptures deemed sacred?
11. 19 April 2023: Miriam Aziz (33Jazz Records, Catholic University of Lille), What was I thinking? Revisiting “Law and Art: A Postcard from Europe” (2015) 27 (2) Yale Journal of Law and Humanities 343-351 amidst reflections about “Lost for Words: Embodying Law through Tanztheater” (2013) 7 (1) Law and Humanities 91-106”: a Reckoning
10. 23 March 2023: Yafa Shanneik (Lund/Birmingham), Challenging the Concept of Marriage in Europe within a Human Rights Framework: Syrian Muslim Refugees as a Case Study
9. 24 November 2022, Hjalmar Falk (Gothenburg), Political Eschatology: Carl Schmitt and the Modern Regime of Historicity
8. 31 October 2022, Zalman Rothschild (New York), Sovereignty, Reason, and Will: Carl Schmitt and Hasidic Legal Thought
7. 10 November 2022, Valentin Jeutner (Lund), Deciding without Exception: Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Carl Schmitt on Sovereign Decision-Making
6. 14 September 2022, Leila Brännström (Lund), On the Juridico-political Thinking of Ayatollah Khomeini and Carl Schmitt
5. 23 November 2021, Judith Hahn (Chair of Canon Law, Bochum U.), Keeping the Faith: What Law and Religion have in Common
4. 30 September 2021, Marco Ventura (Siena), Super-religion. How the global mobilisation for sustainable development is challenging religious boundaries
3. 21 September 2021, David Lloyd Dusenbury (Research Fellow, Hebrew U.), The Innocence of Pontius Pilate: How the Roman Trial of Jesus Shaped History
2. 1 June 2021: Jeff Love, Between Kant and Hegel: Alexandre Kojève and the End of Law (organised jointly with the End-Of-Law Project)
1. 30 March 2021: Tarun Khaitan (Oxford), The right to freedom of religion and the right against religious discrimination: Theoretical distinctions